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Online payments and wallets

This article describes how to manage and use online payments. Such as an overview of online payments, wallets, deposits, and refunds.

Pablo avatar
Written by Pablo
Updated over 3 months ago

The wallet function is an interesting feature. You could see it as a keep safe for online payments. For example, when a patient has scheduled an appointment and has paid a deposit of full treatment, the amount they have paid will be visible in the wallet. The credit will not be subtracted from the total payment amount of the treatment until you select the wallet in the payment tab. So in short, the wallet is a keep safe for the payment (deposit) until the treatment deems to be paid.

  • How to use a wallet balance for payments?

  • How to (request a) refund?

  • How to review the status of deposits and refunds?

How to use wallet balance for payments

The wallet balance appears in the client overview window. You can click it to review the client's actions (e.g., transactions).


The patient wallet overview window shows the different transactions made that affects the balance.


To execute or request a refund, navigate to the patient's wallet and search for the deposit you would like to refund. Click on the symbol (step 1 in the image below) and hit the refund button (step 2 in the image below).

Note: If you only have the user right to request a refund, the next pop-up will show you the appropriate action.

Usually, the clinic manager, responsible for financial approvals, will check the refund window (see below) to approve or reject the requests.

Using wallet balance for invoicing

To use the wallet balance during invoicing a treatment simply select the wallet as a payment method.

How to manage online payments

Go to menu > finance > payments to manage online payments. Check deposits, accept refunds, and get an overview of wallet transactions at the clinic-level.

Please note that a user needs to have the correct user rights to review these windows and accept refunds.

Deposits window

This window shows all received deposits and whether this deposit was refunded or not.

The following labels are visible in the deposits window, depending on where you are in the process.

Refunds window

This window shows all processed refunds, refund requests, and pending refunds.

The following labels are visible in the refunds window, depending on where you are in the process.

Approve refunds

To approve and execute the refunds, select the deposit with the "to review" label. Now you can approve or reject the refund request.

Note: you need to have the correct user right to perform this action.

Wallet transactions window

This window shows all transactions (payments through wallet), deposits to a wallet, and refunds for all patients at the clinic level.

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